HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Heritability, Historical Method, Wilhelm Wundt

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= a trend at the end of the 19th century applying terms from the evolutionary biology to society. It is not clear what exactly social darwinism is because of the ambivalence and use of metaphors, darwin"s works could be interpreted in many ways. Used as an argument for the selective breeding" ideas. During the turn of the century (1800-1900) the conviction that hard work and determination are present, started to diminish. The public became convinced the only way to save society was to start controlling reproduction. Eugenics= the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the populations genetic composition. Positive eugenics: promoting the reproduction of those people, who were thought to have positive characteristics; rich, hard-working, altruistic Negative eugenics: the active stopping or prohibiting the reproduction of those people w/ negative/ bad characteristics; poor, sick, crazy people. In the usa this led to the immigration restriction act 1924.