BUSI 3310 Study Guide - Final Guide: Extraversion And Introversion, Conscientiousness, Ingratiation

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Variable ratio schedule: each and every time often, not all times fixed time intervals variable time intervals fixed amounts of output variable amounts of output. Three desired outcomes of conflict: agreement, stronger relationships: relationships and greater trust equitable and fair agreements are the best outcomes when conflict is resolved positively, this can lead to better, learning: handling conflict successfully teaches one how to do it better next time. Restraining forces forces that hinder movement away from the status quo: kotter"s 8 step plan for implementing change, establish a sense of urgency by creating a compelling reason for why change is needed, form a coalition with enough power to lead the change, create a new vision to direct the change, communicate, empower others/ remove barriers, plan for, create, and reward short term wins, consolidate improvements, reinforce the changes by demonstrating the relationship between new behaviours and organizational success, action research.