Business Administration - Financial Planning RFC225 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Preferred Stock, Macd, Tax Bracket

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A car manufacturing company and an automotive parts company would the considered as: positively correlated. Fixed income manager styles include: credit quality. Theoretically, the optimum level of portfolio diversification can be achieved through a random selection of _____ stocks: 32. Short term deviations from the long term asset mix to capitalize on investment opportunities is called: tactical asset allocation. Settling and implementing a long-term investment policy mix is called: tactical asset allocation. Mrs. doe is considering purchasing good inc. shares which is now trading at per share. She feels confident that it will a dividend per share for many years and the company will maintain its internal rate of growth of 9. 25%. If she buys these shares, she would at least a 15% return. What price should she offer for the shares: . 39. Johns return on his investment after inflation is 8%. The annual inflation rate is 2. 5% and he is in a 50% tax bracket.