Human Resources Management HRM822 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Delphi Method, Regression Analysis, Trend Analysis

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Environmental scanning is the systematic monitoring of the major factors influencing the organization to identify trends that might affect the formulation and implementation of both organizational and hr strategies. External factors: technology, legislation, economy, demographics, socio-cultural factors, globalization, government, competition, suppliers, geography, raw materials, labour supply. Knowledge - the body f information, usually of a factual or procedural nature, that allows an individual to perform a task successfully. Skill - the individual"s level of proficiency in typically expressed in numerical terms. Ability - a more general, enduring trait or capability an individual possesses at the time when he/she begins to perform a task. Incorporates recent changes in processes and techniques, keeping job descriptions up to date: ensures that hr demand and supply are matched by recruitment & selection methods. Job description is the written documents produced by the job analysis process, emphasizing duties, tasks, specifications and competencies. Human resources forecasting is the heart of the hr planning process.