ANTH 203- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Archaeologists study artifacts of individuals who lived either thousands or millions of years ago. What separates anthropology from regular sciences, social sciences, and humanities is that anthropology studies people for their origins, development, and contemporary variation. In the broadest sense, anthropology aims to explain what it means to be human. Franz boa, the founder of american anthropology was the individual who developed the scheme separating anthropology into its four distinct fields (physical and biological, linguistic, archaeological, cultural). There are two broad problem-oriented streams in anthropology. Applied anthropology: involves conducting applied research projects to generate a policy recommendation for addressing societal problems. Practice anthropology: involves using already existing anthropological data, methods, theories, and insights on a daily basis. The american anthropological association estimates that over half of anthropologists work outside academia, practices anthropology as a profession. Paleoanthropologists draw heavily on fossil remains using techniques such as comparative anatomy with the fossil remains of other humans or non-human primates.