COMS 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kenneth Burke, Dramatism, Scapegoating

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Guilt is purged through mortification (on yourself) and victimage (someone else). Dramatistic pentad used to determine motive act, scene, agent, agency purpose . Developed by kenneth burke: maintained that language is a critically important system for humans. Language give insight into who a person is and how they see things. (their perspective or world view) This is a method of analysis that determines a person"s motives for speaking. The common ground that exists between the speaker and the audience. Without identification, we cannot transcend division between people. Divisions exits between people because individuals have distinct substance a person"s traits, personality, beliefs, and values . We are able to enhance identification through communication. Burke suggests the major driving force for communication is guilt. His studies were also heavily affected by his catholic faith. Because we can identify perfection and can never attain it, we feel awful: the negative: the moral capacity to say no, not, though shalt not.