GEOG 213 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Boko Haram, Lese Language, Colonial Nigeria

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24 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Has a transitional zone (300km)- largest in the world-called sahel: ethnic, cultural divide. Typography: mostly plateaus, the rift valley- eastern africa; tectonically active, few lowlands along coastlands and river valleys, centre: the congo basin. Equatorial environment similar to south american amazon. Generally low levels of development: almost all underdeveloped, poor countries. Divide and conquer : result: over 50 countries, most small many landlocked (land boarders) Landlocked biggest economic advantage-> interior of continent: hundreds of cultural and linguistic groups and languages, tribal rather than national divisions still largely persist, instability due to complex ethnicities. Military coups- most stable: nigeria, overthrow of government. Think this is the best career path for them. Congo has had civil unrest last 15 year. This lead to disconnection and not updated since, no network: sub-sahara- rich in natural resources. Prices of natural resources are set in financial capitals ex.