GRST 209 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Polynices, Avail, Epimenides

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Theban myths as opposed to the myths of gods. Heroes are demi gods- normal definition is someone who has a mother or father. Spending rest of term with heroes and their interactions with gods that is divine- or (as in case of oedipus) a family member who is a god. Sexual indiscretion- incest, etc. common in theban saga. Thebes stands for something beyond the city itself. In the middle of the ocean plain: mt. Cithaeron- looms over city of thebes- very much associated with the. The historical thebes was the leading city of boeotia, the plainland area of central greece, ringed by mountain ranges. from textbook. The citadel was called the cadmeia, preserving the name of cadmus son of. Cadmus as mythical founder of thebes- father of semele, grandfather to. The phoenicians began the quarrel they seized and carried off some argive women, including io at a later period, certain greeks made a landing at.