ANSC 2340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Femur, Subscapularis Muscle, Autonomic Nervous System

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Ansc *2340 structure and function of farm animals. This examination has a total of 100 possible marks and is worth 25% of the final grade for the course. Please enter your name and id number on both this examination paper and the computer card. Both must be handed in after the exam has been completed. Section 1 of the exam includes 32 multiple choice questions that are worth 2. 5 marks for a total of 80 marks. Section 2 of the exam includes 5 short answer questions. Also fill in the answer for the 33rd multiple choice question that asks the version of the exam written based on the letter of the alphabet in the upper right hand corner on this page. You will have up to 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete this exam. Part 2: short answer questions for the version a exam. Explain the function(s) that we described in lecture for these structures.