ANTH 1150 Study Guide - Final Guide: George Manuel, Exogamy, Edward Burnett Tylor

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Households were headed by women with help from sons and daughters. Hedican"s belief about marriage biology is beside the point, it is about the social roles. Exogamy marriage outside of your social group. The nayar people matrilineal (based on mother"s side) Polygyny one man marrying more than one woman. Polyandry one woman marrying more than one man. Hedican"s belief about religion they are beliefs and patterns of behavior. Religion agreed upon that it is a belief, but it can be in many things including: Ritual repeated, patterned behaviour which may be associated with the supernatural. Supernatural in many societies there is no distinction between nature (aka science) and super natural (religion) Victor turner zambia, puberty rituals (a change of life status) Rite of passage rituals which mark the passing of one stage of life and entry into the next (birth, puberty, marriage, etc. ) Eb tylor talks about the three main types of religion. between the heavens and earth.