BIOL 1500 Study Guide - Final Guide: Peppered Moth, Scientific Method, Confirmation Bias

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What are two key features or characteristics of science that help to distinguish science. Evidence implies that any subject of scientific enquiry is measurable. Morality, beauty) are not measurable in an objective way. In art, the focus is on subjectivity - experiences through the individual consciousness i. Almost all material surroundings and activities are a result of science ii. Being scientifically literate helps us determine whether science is being. List three reasons why understanding science matters. properly used and applied by government b. Briefly describe each the following terms, and indicate how they differ from each other. Classical = if the argument is sound then the conclusion must be valid. Empiricism = ideas must be tested in the real world, thus making observation, measurement and experiments the central aspects of science. Inductive = collects and analyses data to form a hypothesis deriving a general conclusion from specific premises or examples.

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