CIS 1200 Study Guide - Local Area Network, Coaxial Cable, Carrier-Sense Multiple Access

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Computing notes marketing technique, brings you to specific web site. Crowd sourcing: consumers review products smart companies use this information to improve products. Blog type posts recieved through being part of an emailing list. Business-to-business: businesses sell things to one another. Internet security look for security company logos on sites when doing online transactions. Only do online transactions of well known reputable sites. Https:// as opposed to just http:// means it is secure look for padlock (ie) or key (netscape) icon. Spam: mass emailing from unwanted sources cookies: text files saved to computer that speed up web pages, enable a page to remember and load users preferences adware: software downloaded with other software downloads. Spyware: often hidden with other downloads, monitors browsing, sends info back to server. Hackers: anyone who breaks into computer unlawfully, they can be dangerous when they get personal and bank information. Boot sector: loads upon booting, often transmitted by usb left in port while booting.