EDRD 3400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Winter Road, Human Capital, Focus Group

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Ted talk- change the story as a solution, need more stories of heres. In ontario there have been ice storms, sever ooding and millions of dollars of damage to infrastructure. In far north, climate chance is impacting access to remote communities as winter roads are becoming harder to establish and maintain. Impacting sensitive ecosystems in peatlands and boreal forest. Causing some produce shortages in ontario stores. Seen grocery stores post notices that produce is unavailable from parts of north america as a result of sever weather events. Threatens our farms, health, economy and natural systems. Shorter winters, earlier spring, intense weather such as ice storms, rain storms, periods of drought, Far north is expecting to be one of the most rapidly warming regions in both ontario and on a global scale, posing signi cant risks to rst nations and metis and other vulnerable communities. Increased variability and some uncertainty about optimal growing areas and conditions for certain crops.