FOOD 2010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Food Safety And Inspection Service, Hurdle Technology, Rigor Mortis

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Unit 2 food laws & regulation; food labelling. Major food regulatory agency in us ensure quality & safety of food, drugs, additives (but not meat, eggs, poultry, water & alcoholic drinks) Cfsan (centre for food safety & applied nutrition) Grading meats, poultry, & eggs all importers must adhere to. Haccp rule (hazard analysis & critical control points) Gras = generally recognized as safe substances by experts due to long historical use prior to 1958 or published scientific evidence (eg sugar, salt) & so are exempt from regulation. But a later review caused some safe" substances on the list to be banned. Prohibits approval of food additive if it causes cancer in humans or animals. Zero-tolerance was too restrictive , so inspecting all food products sold in. Canada; main regulatory contact between government & food industry. Health canada responsible for developing new legislation concerning food & drugs. Act & regulations (same: nutrition policy, food safety, food regulations )