FRHD 1020 Study Guide - Lower Canada, Elder Abuse, 6 Years

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Chapter 8 grey power and the sunset years. Social time clock - certain events are expected to happen at certain times. E. g. widowhood @ 30 more traumatic than @ 75. When events happen at expected times they are more prepared for. Chronological age : the number of calender years that a person has lived. With people living longer its hard to define who fills certain age roles. With five generation families, who has the right to old age, the oldest are being 90 yet they have children in their 70"s which is considered old as well. E. g. men in business job with grey hair = smart, wise, experienced vs. man in manual labour job with grey hair = weak, failing ability. But old people show differences the same as young people do depending on. Retirement isn"t associated with being weak and incapable and grandparents aren"t all sitting at home but out travelling or playing tennis.