[SOC 3740] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (34 pages long!)

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This guy just sort of lost it. One 1st degree charge because he had to reload proved that he meant to kill him, however, their was trouble convicting the first two. Life sentence with no chance of parole for 40 years. A life sentence with no chance of parole for 40 years. This is the toughest se(cid:374)te(cid:374)(cid:272)e i(cid:374) ca(cid:374)ada si(cid:374)(cid:272)e the (cid:272)ou(cid:374)t(cid:396)(cid:455)(cid:859)s last e(cid:454)e(cid:272)utio(cid:374) Judge said he had to make sure that baumgartner never hurts anyone again, but also give him some hope for freedom to ensure good behaviour behind bars. Detained with a fake pregnant belly full of cocaine. She was threaten to smuggle the drugs, she was contained for two weeks and then sent back with a fake cocaine belly. 8 year sentence 4 years spent in columbia, some years in custody and some years under house arrest (living with a family of 5 and is not allowed to leave their house)