STAT 3100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Random Variable, Conditional Probability Distribution, Cumulative Distribution Function

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Document Summary

Our midterm exam is coming up on tuesday october 21 from 8:30 9:50 am. You are responsible for everything we have covered in the course up to and including the material covered in the thursday october 9 lecture. You are allowed to bring in: a non-programmable calculator. (a basic calculator that has a ncr function is. Nothing that does integration, stores notes, communicates with the outside world, etc. ) If you have any doubts about whether your calculator can be used, feel free to ask. You will be supplied with: a very limited formula sheet. (see the attached doc for a draft. ) Please feel free to ask if you think i"ve omitted something important, or if you are unsure about what you need to know by heart. To prepare for the exam, rst make sure you go over the assignments and clear up any confusion you may have had on any of those questions.