AFM131 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bookkeeping, Financial Accounting, Current Liability

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AFM131 Full Course Notes
AFM131 Full Course Notes
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Canada is a market of more than 33. 6 million people, but there are almost 6. 8 billion potential customers in the 195 countries that make up the global market. A little less than 74% of the world"s population lives in developing areas where technology, education and per capita income still lag behind developed countries (canada). Global trends have brought a big impact among the auto industry due to price increase in gas and weakening demands for transportation automobile (trucks. ) Layoff unemployment impact the country"s economy. Exporting: selling goods and services to another country. Importing: buying goods and services from another country. Why trade with other nations: to meet the needs of its people. Free trade: the movement of goods and services among nations without political or economic obstruction. Domestic workers can lose their jobs due to increased imports/production shifts to low-wage global markets. Workers forced to accept pay cuts or else become unemployed.