BIOL303 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neuroepithelial Cell, Hindbrain, Ephrin

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Ectoderm: cells that remain on either the outside (amphibian) or dorsal surface (avian, mammalian) surface of the embryo following gastrulation. Forms the nervous system from the neural tube and ncc and epidermis covering the embryo. Epithelial: form sheets connected by junctional complexes, act as a barrier, move in harmony, have clear polar character from one side to another, basal lamina is a foundation that only contacts one surface of the cell. Describe one sitch where cells undergo epithelial to mesenchyme transition during normal development. Describe one example where cells change from mesenchymal to epithelial cells. Mesenchymal cells are loosely organized and loosely attached cells that can migrate as individual cells, can adhere in 3d clumps, basal lamina may surround the cells (muscle or fat) E m: mesoderm and endoderm migrate through the primitive groove (lose e-cadherin and is able to migrate inwards). M e: during the formation of the somite to create an epithelial layer around the somite.