BIOL309 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Genetic Recombination, Noncoding Dna, Genomic Library

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Document Summary

Genetic approach studying or altering genes to learn about the function of the corresponding gene products in vivo (test on whole, living organisms) Biochemical approach studying proteins or metabolites (activity, structures, etc. ) In vitro (performed on microorganisms, cells, biological molecules outside their normal biological context) Complementary vs. complimentary complimentary (something done/given for free); complementary (completing a set/making up a whole) Selection screen (growth condition in which both mutant and wild-type can be grown, but can be distinguished phenotypically); selection (growth conditions for the selective breeding of marked cells) Genotype vs. phenotype genotype (set of genes carried); phenotype (observable characteristics of the gene) Forward vs reverse genetics forward (find a mutant and then identify what gene causes the phenotype); reverse (start with gene of interest; create mutant by introducing additional sequences) Gene silencing prevent expression of certain gene. Crispr genetic tool developed to protect microbes from pathogen infection.