CS251 : CS251-Assign#2-W13.pdf

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21 Dec 2014

Document Summary

Assignment #2 sequential logic design and binary. See the instructions regarding the deliverables for this assignment at the end of this document. We are designing an elevator controller for a building with four floors. If the input up = 1 and door_open = 0 (the doors are closed), the elevator moves up one floor. If the input down = 1 and door_open = 0, the elevator moves down one floor. Inputs up and down cannot both be 1 at the same time. And while door_open = 1, the elevator stays on the current floor. The controller produces one output floor2:0 that indicates the floor that the elevator is currently on. The elevator starts its operation on the first floor with door_open = 1: first, draw a moore finite state machine (fsm) diagram for the elevator controller. Page 1 (question 1(a) solution to be continued here)