GEOG101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Subprime Lending, Planned Community, Primate City

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Medical geography application of geographic ideas, information and theories to study disease and health care. Polygyny allowing one man to have multiple wives. Ecology relationship between organisms (plants or animals) and their environment. Human ecology interconnections between humans and the physical world humans affect their environment. Insults factors that can affect health, aka stimuli can manifest themselves at different scales and are inherently geographic. Chemical insults drugs and exposure to noxious gases. Physical insults traumas from accidents, electrical shock. Psychosocial insults positive or negative effects of crowding, anxiety, love. Endemic a diseases that is always present. Epidemic a disease that occurs in large numbers that is not usually expected. Pandemic when an epidemic covers a large area. Dynamics of disease: agent an organism that causes disease, host life form that the has the disease caused by the agent, vector the means in which the agent is transmitted to the host, ex.