HRM305 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Silviculture, Occupational Injury, Occupational Safety And Health

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Accident proneness: the notion that some individuals are inherently more likely than others to be involved in accidents as a result of individual characteristics. Assumption of risk: the belief that a worker accepted the risks of employment when he or she accepted a job. Brown lung: a disease of the lungs caused by excessive inhalation of dust, the disease is in the pneumoconiosis family and often afflicts textile workers. Due diligence: an expected standard of conduct that requires employers to take every reasonable precaution to ensure safety. Internal responsibility system (irs: the system of shared responsibility for health and safety that is the basis for most. Lost-time injury: a workplace injury that results in the employee missing time from work. Occupational health and safety: the identification, evaluation and control of hazards associated with the work environment. Occupational illness: any cut, fracture, sprain or amputation resulting from a workplace accident.