PSYC 307 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Heterosexuality, Fishing Net, Behavioural Genetics

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14 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Information any kind of idea, belief, technology, habit or practice that required through learning from others. A particular group of individuals people who are existing in some kind of shared context. fmri: measuring blood flow, where must concentrate left inferior parental lobule right percentral gyrus/ *show differences between conditions. According to shweder a key goal of general psychology is to reveal the underlying m and the universal central processing unit (cpu). We need to isolate the mind from context and content, to reduce the noise and allow us to detect a clear signal. From this perspective, there"s no point to study people form different cultures, as they"re assumed to share the same cpu. Studying people from different cultures would only add noise that would interfere with our ability to detect a clear signal. In contrast, cultural psychology maintains the mind cannot be separated from content or context. That is , minds arise form partipating in cultures.