PSYC 307 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Uch, Random Assignment, Reference Group

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14 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Psychological data are only clues and clues are always ambiguous. One common approach for selecting cultures is to choose samples based on a theoretical variable that you are investigating. One good way to choose your samples is then to look for culture that vary on a specific theoretical dimension of interest, such as collectivism. Develop some knowledge about the cultures under study. a) b) Simplest way to learn is to read existing texts and ethnographies about the culture under study. Ethnographies usually contain rich descriptions of a culture, derived from extensive observation and interaction by an anthropologist. Another approach is to find a collaborator who is from the culture that you are studying and who is interested in pursuing the same research with you. Another effective strategy is to immense yourself in another culture to learn it firsthand c) d) Contrasting highly different cultures versus similar cultures a)