ANT220H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reductionism, Liminality, Yunani Medicine

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1 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Classical period (8th century bce to 5th century) Greek scholar herodotus wrote about the persian empire in 400bce. Ibn kaldun wrote about mediterreanean cultures in the 14th century. They wrote ethnographic descriptions of the people they encountered, describing the social organization, technology, practices, diet, approaches to medicine. Greek philosopher aristotle (student of plato, teacher of alexander) created the great chain of. Being, ordering life from simple to complex humans being the most complex. Humans tend to make hierarchies but they are often false. Greek physician and teacher hippocrates formalized the humoral theory of health (blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm) which as an equilibrium theory, the basis of homeostasis. Asklepios was a medical teacher, his snake-entwined staff is the modern symbol of medicine. Roman writer celsus wrote de medicina on diet, pharmacy, and surgery, including the cardinal signs of inflammation: calor (temperature), dolor (pain), tumor (swelling), and rubor (redness)