CHM110H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Concentration Cell, Joule, Sodium Hydroxide

179 views4 pages
4 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Exam reminders: 3 hours, 9 questions, answer only 8. Have to circle question that you don"t want counted: each question should take 20 minutes approximately. 160 for 8 questions, 180 for all 9: start with topics you know. If you don"t get the question in 20 minutes then move on to next o question. Practice problems: ppt1 (unit 1) problem 2. Xe/xw = ne/nw = 0. 05/0. 95 = 1/19 nw = 19ne. Remember this ^ ne = nw/19 = 55. 5/19 = 2. 92 mol. Find m (mole/lsolution) d = 0. 997 g/ml --> 977g/lsolution. 977g = masse + massw = 46ne + 18nw = 46ne + 18(19ne) ne = 2. 57. 2. 57 mole/lsolution: ppt 1 (unit 1) problem 6 (35g hcl/100g sol)(1. 20g sol/ml sol)(1000ml/l sol)(1 mol. Hcl/36. 5g hcl) = 11. 5m (11. 5mol hcl/l sol) = (x mol hcl/0. 175 l sol) X = 2. 012 mol, [hcl] = 2 m. Koh + hcl --> k+ + cl- + h2o.