ECO200Y5 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Human Capital, Externality, The American Economic Review

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20 Aug 2015

Document Summary

Hook: child labour, a phenomenon that is not apparent in our society, is still a huge component that our economy depends on to thrive. Introducing us: today i, sabika hassan and my colleague misha mehtab will be touching upon the subject of child labour from an economic perspective. We wanted to give special attention to companies that use child labour as a means of production because in today"s rapidly growing economy it is almost impossible for society to turn a blind eye on this issue. Essentially, child labour and its effects on the econmy are unavoidable and that is why we believe that there is an urgent need for more awareness and the implementation of new regulations. In specific, we will be discussing child labour in association with externalities, societal welfare, and strategies for and the impact of government intervention on child labour.