[POL114H5] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (22 pages long!)

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Power as ability to affect change, to get what you want. (arold lasswell (cid:523)193(cid:888)(cid:524): politics is (cid:498)who gets what, when and how(cid:499) Thomas hobbes (1588-1(cid:888)(cid:889)9(cid:524) (cid:498)present means to obtain. Robert dahl (cid:523)19(cid:887)(cid:889)(cid:524): (cid:498)a has power over b to the extent that he can get b to do something that b would not otherwise do(cid:499) Coercion threat or use of force. Material incentives (money, food and aid) give or withhold. Power (cid:498) zero sum (cid:498) )f ) gain you lose. Ability to compel others to do your will. Ability or capacity to produce change, to transform self and others. When walking into a class for the first time you know who your professor is by the way they walk, location, dress, age (they look like one) Power as prerogative (gives u the right to do certain things) Powerful actor has the ability to make and break the rules that others must follow. Faces fewer consequences for breaking rules than other actors.