PHL277Y5 Study Guide - Final Guide: James Rachels, Ressentiment, Friedrich Nietzsche

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Here are some questions of the sort that might appear on the final exam. I will not simply choose questions from this list. There will be twenty questions on the final exam, and you will be asked to answer each of them in the space provided (about a third of a page). Each question will count for five points, for a total of 100 points. Please be prepared to write in dark ink, and please write legibly: what is the cultural differences argument, how does james rachels argue that the conclusion of the cultural differences. Argument is false: how does rachels argue that the conclusion of the cultural differences. What does he think is the true origin of punishment, and how is that origin different from revenge: nietzsche argues that our slave morality is bad for us. What does he think it does to us: nietzsche speaks of the ascetic ideal.