PSY100Y5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thalamus, Bonobo, Allen Newell

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17 Dec 2017
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PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

The 3 questions about encoding, storing & retrieval: encoding: getting information into memory. Self-referent encoding: storage: maintaining information in memory. Connectionist networks & parallel distributed processing (pdp) models: retrieval: getting info out of memory. Changed memories to fit with existing schemas. What is destination memory: forgetting: when memory lapse. How do measure forgetting? (3 principle methods) 4 sins of commission: the physiology of memory. Where is working memory located in the brain: systems & types of memory. What is the difference between prospective & retrospective memory: improving everyday memory. What is a mnemonic device? (some examples of them) Engage in deep processing & organizing information. What is cognition: language: turning thoughts into words. Milestones in language development in a child. Linguistic relativity: problem solving: in search of solutions. What is field dependence or field independence: decision making: choices & chances. Judgement about quality can be swayed by brand familiarity & price. 2 reasons evolutional psychologists take issue with this.