SOC205H5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Self-Control, Ritualism In The Church Of England, Impulsivity

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5 Apr 2015

Document Summary

Rise of social darwinism, science, and medicine mid 1800s into 1900s. Mass immigration, the great depression, and post-world + war ii stability 1900 to the early 1960s. Chicago school, anomie/strain, social control and social bonding, differential association. Postmodern, new penology, culture of control rejecting conservative theories. Deterrence, rational choice, broken windows, routine activity rejecting mainstream criminology. Why study crim theory: help us understand social bhvr and relations. Theories reflect the social, economic, political and historical contexts in which they emerge. Early theories of crime tended to locate the cause of crime within individuals in their souls, their wills, or their body constitutions. Spiritual exps: as an exp of crim bhvr, spiritualism provides a sharp contrast to the scholarly exps used today. Unlike today"s theories spiritualism stressed the conflict b/een absolute good and absolute evil. People exp natural disasters like floods and famines as punishments by sprits for wrongdoings: methods were constructed to deal w/ those accused of commiting crimes: