SOC244H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lgbt Parenting, Atlantic Slave Trade, Canadian Pacific Railway

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14 Nov 2013

Document Summary

Women in an egalitarian society: the montagnais-naskapi of canada. - leacock. Hunters (social ethics = cooperation, patience, generosity) trappers (fur trade) Trapping was individual task, women and children were left behind. Resulted in nuclear family, smaller living units (married couple & children, less people to look after children), division of labour b/t men and women. Relations were easy b/t men and women (they didn"t meddle in each other"s tasks) Le jeune wanted to introduce (1) permanent settlement, recognized chief authority (2) punishment into social relations (3) education/punishment of children (4) family structure w/ male authority, female fidelity, and elimination of the right to divorce. They moved their camp around depending on food source (men and women both had equal importance in the decisions) Individuals might be chosen as spokespersons to mediate w/ the french but this person had no formal authority (trust based on goodwill, & would never kill each other for leadership role)