CSC 320 Midterm: CSC 320 UVic Midterm3

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Read carefully and choose the best answer for each question. Two points each: darwin was the first to make the analogy of evolution resembling the branches of a tree. He suggested that extant species could be imagined as the tips of the branching stems. When individuals of that population were discovered, they were described as a new species because all individuals had black fur, yellow eyes, and were much smaller than the brown-furred, brown-eyed cottontails on the mainland, from which they evolved. The black island cottontails could no longer produce fertile, viable offspring with the mainland cottontails. Which of the following terms could not correctly be applied to this scenario: anagenesis, founder effect, genetic drift, punctuated equilibrium, cladogenesis, a population of killifish lives in a mountain stream. Erosion gradually changes the landscape, causing the stream to fork and separate into two branches.