BIOL 2111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reading Frame, Amine, Dna Mismatch Repair

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Document Summary

Genes are traits, and their variants are known as alleles. Genes are inherited by mendelian rules, and reside on chromosomes. Chromosomes consist of dna plus proteins, which is the hereditary material. Dna is an antiparallel double helix and the information is stored in the form of nucleotide sequence. Dna replication involves the template dependent addition of deoxyribonucleotides to primer dna strand. Recombination involves the exchange between homologous chromosomes and involves physical crossing over between non-sister chromatids. The genetic code (how nucleotide sequence translates into amino acid sequence) Mutations are heritable changes in dna base sequences. Mutations occur spontaneously but can also be induced. Forward mutations: changes wild-type to a different allele. Reverse mutations (reversion): changes a mutant allele back to wild type. Rare when compared to forward mutation rate. Point mutation (substitution): replacement of a base by another base. Transition: purine replaced by another purine, or pyrimidine replaced by another pyrimidine.