PSYC 1070 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Explanatory Style, Peter Salovey, Division Of Tangney

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Summary: the pleasant life: joy, positive mood seen by others, gratitude, relaxed calmness, savouring, laughing/smiling, zest/vitality. Summary: the engaged life: awareness/knowing one"s talents, pursuing talent activities, talent based problem solving, concentrating during talent activities, time distortion during talent activities, feeling control during talent activities, feeling accomplished during talent activities. Exam question: key concepts of flow : passionate interest, rapt attention, intense concentration, relevance/value/worth/significance (subjective meaningfulness, enjoyment (satisfying one"s innate curiosity) Summary: the meaningful life: impacting others, sense of connection/closeness, sense of meaning/purpose, involved in spirituality, deep intimacy with loved ones, contributing to something larger, using talents to help others. Mood free-floating feelings that last longer than an emotion. Need/goal satisfaction theories of happiness theories of happiness suggesting that happiness lies in the reduction of tension through the satisfaction of goals and needs. Pleasure principle freud"s idea that humans seek to reduce tension by gratifying instinctive needs.