PSYC 1150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Birth Weight, Alfred Adler, Orthogonality

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11 Apr 2015

Document Summary

Adolescence: another modern invention: new period between childhood and adulthood (unknown in many nonindustrialized nations, erikson"s (1950) identity crisis grabbed widespread attention this stage builds the foundations for intimacy, generativity, wisdom. 19th century witnessed structuralism (wundt) goal: understand contents of the mind how: prob: result: no more study of cognition observers reported mental activities reports differed, results always fit. History of cognition: watson rejected the study of mental events thoughts existed, but could not be studied because they were not objective, modern cognitive study emerges after ww2 computer introduced new terminology new mentalism meant applying objective methods (watson) to mental events not s r, but s o r. Steps in language development: characteristics and structure of language, language acquisition, language and thinking to convey thoughts in a meaningful way to combine symbols in novel ways to refer to past/non present objects/events.