MAT-2130 Midterm: MATH 2130 App State summer2014 Test3 answer key

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15 Feb 2019

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If f (x, y) = c, then dy dx. If f (x, y, z) = c, then. Fz: (11 points) three level curve plots are shown below. Write the correct formula below each plot. (b) sketch a gradient vector at the points a, b, and c. if the vector is 0, draw an x on the point. X: (10 points) limits (a) show the following limit does exist: lim (x,y) (0,0) x2 + xy + y2 px2 + y2 (b) show the following limit does not exist: lim (x,y) (0,0) x2 + xy. 2x2 + y2: (9 points) suppose we have a function of two variables: f (x, y). (a) suppose that fxy(1, 2) = 3 and fyx(1, 2) = 4. What (if anything) can i conclude about f or its partials? (b) suppose fx and fy exist everywhere. / no (c) suppose fx and fy are continuous everywhere.