BIOL 3200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Growth Medium, Acidophile, Archaea

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Organism growth what does it need: binary fission mechanism where one cell divides to become two, two divide to become four, etc. Alkacophiles ~ (8. 5: carbon sources, energy sources, photoautotrophes. Self feeding ( auto ) use simple inorganic carbon sources (ex: carbon dioxide) Self feeding - inorganic carbon source: chemolithoautotrophe. Like chemoautotrophes but they used co2 as well: photoheterotrophe. Hetero = multiple multiple sources they can go to: chemoorganotrophe/ chemoheterotrophe. Energy and carbon from organic compounds (no light at all) How humans get nutrients: fastidious heterotrophe. Equivalent of the picky eater of the microbial world. Need something added in in order to survive: amino acid supplement, particular form of amino acid. Comes in powder in the lab autoclave it and then let you grow things in it (power, dissolve, autoclave) You could even use beef broth: agar start as solid, dissolve into a liquid, sterilize, they solidify for use nutrient agar.