HED 1145 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Blood Alcohol Content, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Substance Abuse

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Binge-drinking: two-hour period, men: 5 or more drinks, women: 4 or more drinks, bac. Etoh-ethanol/ethyl alcohol: intoxicating substance, addictive drug in alcohol. Proof to alcohol % ratio: measures % of alcohol, alcohol %: proof (100 proof=50% alcohol) Blood alcohol concentration: bac, ratio of alcohol to total blood volume, behavior and physiological effects, tolerance does not affect bac, women differ from men. Hangover: more hydrochloric acid, full recovery takes at least 12 hours, best cure is time. Congeners: toxic products play a role in hangover upsets water balance (urination, thirst) Fetal alcohol syndrome: 3rd most birth defect, 2nd leading course of mental retardation, poor memory, impaired learning, behavior problems. What to do if someone has alcohol poisoning (class demonstration): free response: verbal response (call their name), pain response (inflict some type of pain), recovery position (lay on one side with one arm propped up), call 911. Definition of addiction: persistent, compulsive dependence on a substance or behavior despite ongoing negative consequences.