CHM ENG 150A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Angular Velocity, Newtonian Fluid, Reynolds Number

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Consider a solid sphere of radius r placed concentrically inside a second sphere of radius ar, as shown in figure 1. The gap between the two spheres is filled with a. Newtonian liquid of constant density, , and viscosity, . The inside sphere rotates at a steady angular speed about the z-axis as shown. The rotation speed and the size of the spheres are small enough that the reynolds number is much less than unity, This means that the inertial terms in the equations of motion can be neglected so that the rotation is in the so-called stokes approximation. (25) a). Describe the kinematics of the flow. (i. e. , which components of velocity are finite and what spatial variables do they depend on. (20) b). Write the equation of continuity and confirm that your assumed kinematics in part a) are consistent. (15) c). Be sure to remember that inertial terms are to be neglected. (15) e).