CHM ENG 150A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reynolds Number, Miscibility, Cartesian Coordinate System

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A fire truck is sucking water from a river and delivering it through a long hose to a nozzle, from which it issues at a velocity of 30 meters/sec. The total flow rate is 2 cubic meters/min. The hose has a diameter of 10 cm, and has an internal roughness of =0. 05 mm. The total length of the hose, corrected for all the valves, fittings and other losses, is 100 meters. Two miscible turbulent streams of densities 1 and 2 are flowing in a wide, rectangular duct separated by a thin plate. The heights of the two streams are h1 and h2. Neglecting viscous effects, use the momentum balance to calculate the pressure change in the mixing region in terms of 1 ,2 , h1and h2. Assume the pressure is uniform across the channel and the velocity profiles of the unmixed and completely mixed streams are flat.