ENGIN 45 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: European Route E45, Compressive Stress, Bond Energy

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Please store all books, reference mate- rials, calculators, pdas, cell phones (off), and ipods. Questions cause too much of a disturbance to others in the room. Instead of asking questions, write any concerns or alternative interpretations in your answers. Professional protocol engineers do not cheat on the job and they certainly don"t cheat on exams. Two (+2) points for correct answers, -1 if wrong, 0 if blank. (a) the compressive stress induced in the volume element shown below is defined by which expression? (f) true stress differs from engineering stress. In the way tensile test data is collected. In the way tensile test data is reported. In the way tensile test data represents the actual sample (g) the following data from a uniaxial tensile test of a low carbon steel sample indicates that l. = p (cid:16) (l t) a. It has a lower yield point of 450 mpa. It has an 0. 2% offset yield point of 450 mpa.