ESPM 131 Study Guide - Final Guide: Arsenate, Lithotroph, Chemotroph

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ESPM 131 Soil Microbial Ecology Review Questions for Exam 3 April 2
In the periodic table Arsenic is below what element?
Sarick Matzen briely discussed “e largest mass poisoning in human history” What did this refer to?
Arsenic in groundwater
Most arsenic occurs in what two oxidation states?
As (V) - Arsenate and AS (III) - Arsenite
What redox transformations of arsenic do microbes catalyze?
Reduction from V to III → respiration (DAR), detox
Oxidation from III to V → for detox, chemolithotrophic ox (aerobic), phototrophic ox (anaerobic)
Methylation → for detox
What important transformations of selenium do microbes catalyze?
Reduction from VI to IV/0 → assimilatory/immobilization, dissim for resp, detox mech
Oxidation from IV to VI → chemo/heterotrophic
Methylation → for detox
What are NAPLs and why are the compounds in this group generally dificult to biodegrade?
Non-aqueous phase liquids - hydrophobic, so aren’t soluble in water and can only degrade at interface
with water, sorb to organic matter/matrix → less bioavailable
Use the following figures (Compound A and B) to answer the questions that follow:
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For which compound can degrading organisms be isolated by enrichment culture?
Compound B - not co-metabolized
Which compound appears to be degraded by a co-metabolic pathway?
e degradation products of which compound probably enter central metabolic pathways?
Which compound requires an alternative primary substrate to support growth?
Which compound shows a pattern consistent with lignin degradation?
Xenobiotic compounds can be dificult for soil microorganisms to degrade for a number of reasons.
Briely discuss one reason from each group:
A. Intrinsic character of compound.
Could have complicated bonding structures/be long-chained
B. Physical environment
Could be a pH not suitable for organisms that degrade the compound
C. Bioavailability
e xenobiotic compound could be sorbed to minerals and not be available to degraders
Define the following terms using in plant microbial interactions:
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Document Summary

Espm (cid:1680)(cid:1682)(cid:1680) soil mi(cid:283)(cid:418)o(cid:282)ial e(cid:283)olo(cid:322)(cid:482) re(cid:475)ie(cid:476) questions (cid:321)o(cid:418) e(cid:481)am (cid:1682) ap(cid:418)il (cid:1681) As (cid:1827)v(cid:1828) - a(cid:418)senate and as (cid:1827)iii(cid:1828) - a(cid:418)senite. Redu(cid:283)tion (cid:321)(cid:418)om v to iii (cid:418)espi(cid:418)ation (cid:1827)dar(cid:1828), deto(cid:481) O(cid:481)idation (cid:321)(cid:418)om iii to v (cid:321)o(cid:418) deto(cid:481), (cid:283)hemolithot(cid:418)ophi(cid:283) o(cid:481) (cid:1827)ae(cid:418)o(cid:282)i(cid:283)(cid:1828), photot(cid:418)ophi(cid:283) o(cid:481) (cid:1827)anae(cid:418)o(cid:282)i(cid:283)(cid:1828) Redu(cid:283)tion (cid:321)(cid:418)om vi to iv/0 assimilato(cid:418)(cid:482)/immo(cid:282)ilization, dissim (cid:321)o(cid:418) (cid:418)esp, deto(cid:481) me(cid:283)h. Non-a(cid:417)ueous phase li(cid:417)uids - h(cid:482)d(cid:418)opho(cid:282)i(cid:283), so a(cid:418)en"t solu(cid:282)le in (cid:476)ate(cid:418) and (cid:283)an onl(cid:482) de(cid:322)(cid:418)ade at inte(cid:418)(cid:321)a(cid:283)e (cid:476)ith (cid:476)ate(cid:418), so(cid:418)(cid:282) to o(cid:418)(cid:322)ani(cid:283) matte(cid:418)/mat(cid:418)i(cid:481) less (cid:282)ioa(cid:475)aila(cid:282)le. Use the (cid:321)ollo(cid:476)in(cid:322) (cid:322)u(cid:418)es (cid:1827)compound a and b(cid:1828) to ans(cid:476)e(cid:418) the (cid:417)uestions that (cid:321)ollo(cid:476): Xeno(cid:282)ioti(cid:283) (cid:283)ompounds (cid:283)an (cid:282)e di(cid:498) (cid:283)ult (cid:321)o(cid:418) soil mi(cid:283)(cid:418)oo(cid:418)(cid:322)anisms to de(cid:322)(cid:418)ade (cid:321)o(cid:418) a num(cid:282)e(cid:418) o(cid:321) (cid:418)easons. B(cid:418)ie(cid:500)l(cid:482) dis(cid:283)uss one (cid:418)eason (cid:321)(cid:418)om ea(cid:283)h (cid:322)(cid:418)oup: int(cid:418)insi(cid:283) (cid:283)ha(cid:418)a(cid:283)te(cid:418) o(cid:321) (cid:283)ompound. Could ha(cid:475)e (cid:283)ompli(cid:283)ated (cid:282)ondin(cid:322) st(cid:418)u(cid:283)tu(cid:418)es/(cid:282)e lon(cid:322)-(cid:283)hained: ph(cid:482)si(cid:283)al en(cid:475)i(cid:418)onment, bioa(cid:475)aila(cid:282)ilit(cid:482) Could (cid:282)e a ph not suita(cid:282)le (cid:321)o(cid:418) o(cid:418)(cid:322)anisms that de(cid:322)(cid:418)ade the (cid:283)ompound (cid:515)e (cid:481)eno(cid:282)ioti(cid:283) (cid:283)ompound (cid:283)ould (cid:282)e so(cid:418)(cid:282)ed to mine(cid:418)als and not (cid:282)e a(cid:475)aila(cid:282)le to de(cid:322)(cid:418)ade(cid:418)s.

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