PB HLTH 150B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Government Incentives For Plug-In Electric Vehicles, Sustainable Communities And Climate Protection Act Of 2008, Global Warming Solutions Act Of 2006

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Heat wave : during the heat waves in europe in summer 2003 there were thousands of excess death above the seasonal average. Epidemiological studies suggest that 20-50% of the total excess deaths could be attributed to elevated o3 and pm level that occurred during the heat waves. The primary goal of ab 32 is to reduce ghg emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Market-based mechanisms such as cap and trade system. Positive and negative: getting a tax break (zero emission car), carbon tax. Carbon tax: variable carbon emissions reductions, fixed price of carbon, simpler learn to administer, politically difficult. Required that 35% of cap and trade revenue: is spent on projects that benefits disadvantaged communities, at least 25% is spent on projects located in this advantage communities. Cannot change, we have to adapt it. Snowpack and streamflow amounts are projected to decline in parts of the. Southwest, decreasing surface water supply reliability for cities, agriculture, and ecosystems.