PB HLTH 150B Study Guide - Final Guide: Foodborne Illness, Public Health Surveillance, Norovirus

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Foodborne disease: human illness caused by ingestion of food that is contaminated with a pathogenic microbe or with a toxic chemical. Most food-borne diseases are infections caused by various bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Number of illness cases: norovirus, salmonella, clostridium(reading cause death and disease), campylobacter, staphylococcus. Number of hospitalization: salmonella , norovirus, campylobacter . Foodnet: conducts population-based surveillance for food-borne infections the epidemiology of foodborne diseases. Pulsenet: large nationwide data base that connects food-borne illness cases together and identifies outbreaks outbreaks. Calicnet: network to quickly identify norovirus outbreak and linking them to a common source. Also monitors circulating norovirus strains and identifies newly emerging ones. Factors involved in the emergence of produce-linked outbreaks. Use dna fingerprinting of foodborne bacterial pathogens to detect. 34% of produce-related outbreaks of e. coli o157: h7 are associated with lettuce, and an additional 16% with salad.