PHILOS 104 Quiz: Hume Paper; Outline

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23 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Begin by explaining the quote/argument and state the purpose of the paper and if you must answer a question for the prompt the answer to the question now. Abstract or demonstrative reasoning, therefore, never influences any of our actions, but only as it directs our judgement concerning causes and effects; which leads us to the second operation of understanding. (hume 6176) ii) This proves relevancy to hume"s argument because (ii) Possible objection/rebuttal: (1) that it not to say that fact has no imperative use or importance, it merely does not have a legitimate basis for impacting decision. In what sense do morals produce or prevent actions ? (a) to hume, the only thing left to produce actions is now morality . (i) This proves i am correct in interpretation of his account of morality because : raise rebuttal/objection: i) Some would argue these feelings can be had while observing natural courses of nature ii)