PHILOS 135 Study Guide - Final Guide: Object Language, If And Only If, Principle Of Compositionality

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17 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Putnam and burge are both externalists about meaning. Compare and contrast the kinds of externalism they defend, their reasons for being externalists, and their views on the relation between meaning and mind. This will compare and contrast putnam and burge"s forms of externalism, state their case for being externalists, and explore how each relates mind and meaning. On putnam"s account, meaning is not in the head , so to speak. This means that meaning is not a matter of being in a certain psychological state and that it is partially determined by external factors. Putnam comes to this externalist conclusion by considering a. He supposes that knowing the meaning of a word is a certain psychological state and that meaning determines extension. B1 is an earthling and b2 is a twin-earthling. Both b1 and b2 know the meaning of water (and so its extension). Water on earth is different from that of water on twin-earth.