POL SCI 1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, Merit System, Party System

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18 Dec 2015

Document Summary

Fr) competition (5) patronage over merit (6) corruption: costs: (1) tyranny of majority (2) suppress divisive issues (3) incompetents (4) crowd out. Incentives for p-building: (1) org to overcome cap (2) stable, unified alliances to succeed (3) mobilize voters, overcome fr. 6: why only 2 parties- duverger"s law: plurality system creates 2 parties. 1: other theories about 2 parties, 6 major phases of party systems. : communication bypassing c: strategies, outsider (adversarial): going public by kernell, neustadt power to persuade , source of legislation (fdr nd, lbj gs- 2 main phases of great change, party control) Topic 16: bureacracy: dilemma: how to be competent and politically responsive. Bureaucracy expertise: cabinet- secretaries app and confirmed, departments for general purposes or specific clienteles, political appointees: ad- new ideas, spur reform, disad- lack of institutional memory and. Independent regulatory agencies (sec, epa), headed by appointees who serve at pleasure of p. 3: understand meaning, real life consequences and other sources, textual undermines c.