SOCIOL 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase, Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Ethanol

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Less efficient variant in some individuals, especially certain asian populations. Accumulation of acetaldehyde can lead to flushing, headache, general discomfort. # of grams of ethanol in bloodstream (100 ml of blood) . 08: legally intoxicated, reaction time and coordination impaired. 15: gross intoxication, impaired balance and movement. Ld-50 = when approximately 50% of people will die. Works bc alcohol is a volatile molecule that dissolves quickly out of blood into exhaled air. Therapeutic index (ti): lethal dose divided by therapeutic dose. Ethyl alcohol: . 40 divided by . 04 = 10 (fairly low) Death: alcohol slowly shuts down nervous system. Over 15% of current users (ppl who have used in the past month) probably abuse alcohol. Prevalence of alcohol abuse in general medical practice: (20 million) Economic cost of alcohol abuse in us: about billion per year. 50% of all auto accidents are alcohol-related. 33% of fatal car crashes are alcohol-related.